We are the leaders in the administration of:

  • National Health Insurance,
  • Medical Aid Administrators,
  • Medical Schemes,
  • Gap Cover and
  • Healthcare Insurance.


Our affordable, intuitive technology offers a flexible web-based core administration suite, to manage your critical administration, policy management, financial and clinically managed healthcare functions. Our solution features real-time data integration points and a single view of your members and policyholders, easing the day-to-day management of your operations. Our unique digital stack creates frictionless customer processes with the aid of system workflows. It includes workforce management and offers end-customers a delightful experience through self-help WEB, Mobile App and chat capabilities, rounding off a true digital omni-channel experience for the member. This capability consolidates all digital and social interactions with the member through a single PAS (Policy Administration System) interface. We also have functionality that manages your complex Capitation, Network and Fixed-price agreements with service providers.

Our system is available for use from anywhere with internet access, contributing towards mobilising your workforce and supporting work-from-home initiatives. We have a reputation for saving our customers time and helping them eliminate mistakes. We work with our customers in a partnership, to assist them in achieving their goals of greater efficiency and productivity, and provide them with confidence in decision making.

We are an independent “Software as a Service” (SaaS) software engineering business, our functionality enables our customers to effectively administer their member and policy holder base. Whether you are self-administered, outsourced, an IFA (Independent Financial Advisor) or a financial services provider, you will benefit from using the Healthcare Risk & Funding System. Our established solution has a proven track record to maximise your operations in a streamlined, cost-effective, and efficient way.

By providing real-time data and management information throughout the process, the Healthcare Risk & Funding System highlights your everyday processing blind spots, ensuring smooth, reliable, and predictable administration processes. We are the only provider to offer you full integration on a single platform across all elements. Designed with the needs of Business in mind, the MiDigitalStack is a highly flexible and scalable, component based, service oriented framework.



Are you faced with pressing social, economic, legislative, and technological factors driving change in the healthcare funding industry? Do you have increasing customer expectations for digital, social, and omni-channel interaction, emerging risk exposures, demand for digital transformation of your business and new regulatory directives? We have found that administrators are increasingly looking to software engineering solutions to stay ahead. The Healthcare Risk & Funding System offers a powerful solution to administrators and addresses several of your important business needs.


  1.     Real-time integration between operational departments, including external clinical advisory and managed care services. Scale up or down with a rule-based system that creates a digital ecosystem for an improved customer experience. Further increases speed to market by leveraging business rules for product updates increasing your business agility. Accelerate new product development through reusable rules and templates.


  2.     Automated Payment and Billing cycles, contributing towards increased efficiency, streamlined business processes, and eliminating waste. Our electronic claims processing spans the full lifecycle of a claim which unlocks faster claims processing to improve customer service. Our clients benefit from simplified claims handling, improved loss ratios, and decreased loss adjusting expenses.


  3.     The Healthcare Risk & Funding System makes it easier to grow the member base with its marketing support capabilities. These include full campaign management call centre integration, leads management as well as a broker management sub-system. Being largely parameter-driven, it is flexible enough to handle multiple schemes, health insurance products, GAP products, benefit options, and commission structures. As your membership base grows or new plans are made available, our resilient solution will be reconfigured to handle the new demands.


  4.     Apart from a host of standard reports, MIP Healthcare, Risk & Funding incorporates a real-time big data repository, that is used for Business Intelligence. This is structured in such a way as to provision a base for future AI engines to consume real-time data being fed in from the PAS. Providing a real-time overhead view of your business and detailed analysis via drill downs and ad hoc reporting on both workforce, process, financial and clinical data.


  5.     Our solution is kept up to date with future trends with the help of MIP’s central Research & Innovation and Continuous Improvement teams. We have bolstered our teams with both actuarial and industrial engineering skills to bring digital process, product design and the healthcare administration function closer together. These initiatives keep your business in step with industry, legislative, and technological trends through our modern platform. Our aim is to improve your operational efficiency throughout the member and policy lifecycle and reduce the total cost of ownership.


  6.     Our Self-help solution allows for benefit reservations via the Internet, Mobile App, WhatsApp and any other channels that technology brings.




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